Tuesday, 10 January 2017

Filling Up on Fibre

According to a research presented by Joanne Slavin, a professor of food science at the University of Minnesota has stated that, the fibre, which is a constituent of the plant is good for our digestive system and heart. However, fiber-rich foods like peas, beans, barley and bran may not help in killing our hunger or make us feel full for a longer time. 
The study involved two groups of women. One group was given a meal full of dietary fibers and other group a meal with no fiber at all. They were then asked to rate their hunger and fullness after the meal. The group who ate the fiber-rich meal didn't feel full.
Fiber helps in healthy digestion and decrease the risk for cardiovascular disease, but to feel full, it is important how you eat fibersays Joanne Slavin. The study also stated that when women ate the same amount of fiber in either a liquid form, like a shake or a solid form, like oatmeal or corn bran, the solid form of foods remains in the stomach for a longer time, and was more filling.
There are different types of fiber, but mainly separated into two classes, i.e. soluble and insoluble. Both play different, yet important roles. Soluble fiber helps the body control blood glucose levels, while insoluble fiber helps in dispensing waste away from the body by adding softness and bulk to stools. It also helps in preventing constipation, hemorrhoids, and other digestive problems.
The study suggested that to get the fiber fix, always consume solid bran-fiber foods like bran muffins, oatmeal, bran cereals, bran muffins, peas and fruits like apples, raspberries or pears. When deciding upon food, don’t worry about which class of fiber is better; just focus on eating enough of it.
The researchers also suggested that, you should increase intake of fiber in your diet slowly since your guts need time to adjust to the fiber load. If you add it too fast, you may experience diarrhoea, gas, bloating and cramps.
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