Sunday, 21 May 2017

Filling Up on Fiber

Though great for your digestive system and your heart, fibre-rich foods like beans and bran may not be the appetite-quashing superstars past reports would have you believe, finds a new study from the University of Minnesota.

Test subjects were given meal bars loaded with one of the four common types of dietary fibres—or no fibre at all, then were asked to rate their fullness at different times after each meal. The women didn't feel any full after eating the fibre-rich meal bars.

Fiber helps promote healthy digestion and may reduce your risk for heart disease, so don't stop eating it, Slavin advises. But if you want to feel full, how you eat your fibre is a lot more important than the type or amount of fibre you eat, she says. In a separate study, it is found that when women consumed the same amount of fibre in either a solid form (like oatmeal) or a liquid form (like a shake), the solid foods stayed in the woman's digestive system one hour longer, and was more satisfying.

To get your fibre fix, aim for solid bran-fibre foods like bran cereals, peas, bran muffins, or real old-fashioned oatmeal with fruits like raspberries or pears, Slavin advises. Multiple studies, including one recent report from the University of Sydney, have also proved that protein is a great hunger-quelled. Two eggs contain about 12 grams of protein. Legumes, nuts, and meats like chicken or beef are also great protein sources, according to the report.

You can learn more about your good health by joining Shaw Academy’s Sports Nutrition program. You can also read Shaw Academy Reviews online on their Google Plus page.

Antibiotics - When You Need Them & When You Don’t

Antibiotics are strong medicines that can kill bacteria. But because we overuse antibiotics for many years. As a result, we now have bacteria that resist antibiotics. Resistant bacteria cause infections that are harder to cure and costlier to treat.

Antibiotic-resistant infections can strike anyone. They can be passed on to others. A lot of healthy young people are getting skin infections from MRSA, some bacteria that resists many common antibiotics. MRSA is spreading in households, daycare, schools, camps, dorms, gyms, team sports, and the military. Try to protect yourself and your loved ones. Here’s what you need to know to help prevent resistance:

Taking Antibiotics Makes You More Likely To Get A Resistant Infection In The Future:
Sometimes you need antibiotics to prevent or treat an infection. But half of antibiotics treatments are not needed.
It is normal to have bacteria on your skin and in your body. Many bacteria are harmless. They can even keep you healthy. When you use an antibiotic, it kills most bacteria, including the friendly ones. But a few bacteria survive. These resilient bacteria can multiply and take over.

Antibiotics Have Side Effects:
Many people die from severe diarrhoea caused by antibiotics. Few other side effects include vaginal infections, nausea and vomiting. Serious allergic reactions include blistering rashes, swelling of the face and throat, and breathing problems.

Resistant Infections Cost a Lot:
Resistant infections usually need more costly drugs, more medical care or longer hospital stays. It costs over $40,000 extra to treat a resistant bloodstream infection in one hospital patient. Resistant infections cost $20 billion each year.

You can learn more about your good health by joining Shaw Academy’s Personal Nutrition program. You can also read Shaw Academy Reviews online on their Google Plus page.

Liquid Calories Vs. Solid Calories

People often get an important proportion of their daily calories from beverages. Although caloric beverages, such as juices and sodas, have been associated with weight gain. Some people believe that liquid calories aren't as filling as calories from solid food, but this may be too simplistic of an explanation because other factors may also be involved.

Feelings of Fullness
Study results on the satisfying effects of liquids vs. solid food remain inconclusive, according to a study. Some results show weight-loss benefits, and others suggest these beverages cause weight gain.

Compensating for Calories
Different drinks containing calories, including milk, juice and soda, all caused similar increases in feelings of fullness and a reduced desire to eat when compared to water in a study. These increased feelings of fullness, however, didn't result in the subjects eating any less at their next meal. Calories in beverages appear to be incompletely compensated for at later meals, which leads people to increase the overall number of calories they consume even though they feel fuller after drinking the beverages.

Potential Explanation
When foods take longer to eat, they cause certain responses from the digestive system that signal fullness. Such responses, however, are either decreased or non-existent when consuming quickly eaten foods, such as beverages. Eating quickly or eating when distracted decreases your ability to experience the food you're eating with all your senses, making it less likely you'll get all the normal cues that tell you when you're full.

As Part of a Healthy Diet
You'll be more likely to feel full after eating if you think on eating your food slowly. Another factor affecting plumpness is the energy density of the foods you eat. Foods that are lower in energy density, such as fruits and vegetables, help you feel full on fewer calories than foods that are higher in energy density, such as foods high in fat or sugar. This makes them good picks for people keeping a healthy weight or trying to lose weight.

You can learn more about simple baby food techniques by joining Shaw Academy’s online nutrition program. To know more about Shaw Academy Reviews, subscribe to their YouTube channel.

Monday, 8 May 2017

Homemade Baby Food – Why It is Important?

All parents need their infants to grow up healthy. Great food is required for children, particularly in their first year for appropriate body development and advancement. Being a parent, we put a ton of thought into infant diet. Some choose packed food over handmade food since it's already prepared and versatile. It might be simple for you to purchase handled child nourishment, yet have you at any point thought what amount nutrition value it is adding to your infant's eating routine? 

As indicated by a study, commercial child foods have not so many supplements but rather more calories when compared with custom made food. Besides, the readymade food contains added nutrients like potato, starch and different additives that you may don't need your child to eat. 

The review additionally uncovered different purposes behind picking custom made child nourishment, as: 
It's more reasonable than packed foods. 
Homemade food is free of additives.
We can choose our own variety of ingredients.
Babies build up the tendency for eating an indistinguishable food from whatever is left of the family. We can make them eat everything in a puree form. 

Kid experts likewise suggest food including pureed vegetables, foods are grown from the ground meats into the infant's eating routine while they are matured six to nine months. Eggplant, fennel, hummus, quinoa, etc are proposals for children who are nearing twelve months. 

A study suggested natural food for infants since it's free from pesticides and different contaminants in foods. Natural food doesn't contain any fake hues, flavours or additives and is useful for child's nourishment. Encouraging your infant natural infant nourishment may likewise diminish their introduction to hurtful compound substances. 

Keep in mind that a nutritious eating routine containing vitamins, minerals and cancer prevention agents is vital for your child. Always give your baby a wide variety of nutritious food.

You can learn more about simple baby food techniques by joining Shaw Academy’s online child nutrition program. To know more about Shaw Academy Reviews, subscribe to their YouTube channel.

Friday, 5 May 2017

How to Boost Your Immunity Fast?

One of the most trusted ways to improve your immunity fast is to have more garlic. It has the powerful compound allicin, vitamins A, C, E and minerals selenium, sulphur and zinc (all vital to immune function). It also protects against infections, colds and flu, and has anti-bacterial, -fungal and -viral properties. Just add crushed cloves to pasta, sauces, salad dressings and dips.

Slip in a superfood. Seaweed is not only extremely nutritious, it boosts the immune system and reduces the risk of illness and infection. Seaweed is a good source of zinc and antioxidants that are important for immune health. 

Get some sun. Vitamin D protects us against illness and a range of chronic diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Sunlight is the easiest and healthiest way to get sufficient vitamin D, so sit for 10 to 15 minutes a day and get direct sunlight on the face, arms and hands. Off course don’t sit in the Sun when the temperature is above 40 degrees.

You can take echinacea daily. It has phenolic compounds which increase the activity and number of immune cells, making them more efficient in attacking viruses like flu & cold. Take echinacea in tablets, as fluid extracts or in tea (three cups in a day is ideal).

Vitamin C is one of the best resistant boosting supplements for treating and preventing all illnesses and chronic diseases. As a powerful cancer prevention agent, it protects cells from free-radical harm and has antiviral, antibacterial and hostile to allergenic movement. Eat more citrus, parsley, berries, red capsicum and kiwifruit.

Include yoghurt in your diet. This very nutritious aged nourishment can enhance absorption and lift our resistant wellbeing. The live microscopic organisms (acidophilus and bifidus) advance the wellbeing and development of microbes. Search for the "live and dynamic societies or microscopic organisms" seal on the yoghurt you purchase.

Think zinc. It's needed for the production of white platelets which protect against colds and infections. Zinc has antioxidant activity, helping to fight free- radical damage, and is found in meats, dairy and whole grains. If supplementing zinc with tablets, take about 45 milligrammes a day not more than that.

You can learn more about maintaining good health by joining Shaw Academy’s online Nutrition program. To know more about the Shaw Academy reviews, watch their YouTube channel.

Thursday, 4 May 2017

Good Fat – What You should Know?

Basically, there are two groups of fats: saturated (Bad Fat) and unsaturated (Good Fat). Within each group are several more types of fats.

To begin with, I will take the unsaturated fats. Unsaturated fats incorporate polyunsaturated fatty acids and monounsaturated fats. Both mono and polyunsaturated fats, when eaten with some restraint and used to supplant soaked or trans fats, can help bring down cholesterol levels and reduce your danger of coronary illness.

Polyunsaturated fats, discovered for the most part in vegetable oils, help bring down both blood cholesterol levels and triglyceride levels - particularly when you substitute them for saturated fats. One kind of polyunsaturated fat is omega-3 fatty acids, whose potential heart-medical advantages have gotten a great attention.

Omega-3s are found in fatty fish like salmon, catfish, trout, mackerel, as well as flaxseed and walnuts. Plant sources are a good substitute for saturated or trans fats, but they are not as effective as fatty fish in decreasing cardiovascular disease. Be sure that your twice-weekly fish should not be deep fried which contains fat!

It is constantly best to get your omega-3s from normal nourishment, not supplements, aside from the general population with built up coronary illness, there is no information to propose omega-3 supplements will diminish coronary illness chance." 

The other "great person" unsaturated fats are monounsaturated fats, thought to diminish the danger of coronary illness. Mediterranean nations expend bunches of these - principally as olive oil - and this dietary part is credited with the low levels of coronary illness in those nations. 

Monounsaturated fats are commonly fluid at room temperature, however, cement if refrigerated. These heart-sound fats are ordinarily a decent wellspring of the cancer prevention agent vitamin E, a supplement regularly ailing in American eating regimens. They can be found in olives; avocados; hazelnuts; almonds; Brazil nuts; cashews; sesame seeds; pumpkin seeds; and olive, canola, and shelled nut oils.

You can learn more about your good health by joining Shaw Academy’s Sports Nutrition program. You can also read Shaw Academy Reviews online on their Google Plus page.

Friday, 21 April 2017

Why are carbohydrates important to exercise?

Carbohydrate is the most efficient source of energy for sports person or an athlete.

No matter what sport you play, complex carbs provide the energy that fuels muscle contractions. Once eaten, carbohydrates break down into glucose, fructose, and galactose that get absorbed and used as energy. These glucose molecules are stored in the liver and muscles to be used for fuel, especially during physical activity. Once these glycogen stores are filled up, any extra gets stored as fat. Carbohydrates improve athletic performance by delaying fatigue and allowing an athlete to compete at higher levels for longer. nutrients, such as fat or muscle protein, are utilized to make energy.

Carbohydrate stored in the form of glycogen is an easily accessible source of energy for exercise. How long this energy supply lasts depends on the length and intensity of exercise and can range anywhere from 30 to 90 minutes or more. Start with full glycogen stores to avoid running out of energy during exercise, replenish them during exercise and refill them after exercise to be ready for the next workout.

The message is very clear from over a half a century of research on the links between food, nutrition and exercise capacity is that next to natural talent and appropriate training, a high carbs diet and adequate fluid intake to avoid dehydration are the two most important elements in the formula for successful participation in sport. Of course, there is an underlying assumption that athletes normally eat a well-balanced diet made up of a wide variety of foods, and contains sufficient energy to cover their needs.

You can learn more about your good health by joining Shaw Academy’s Sports Nutrition program. You can also read Shaw Academy Reviews online on their Google Plus page.

Thursday, 13 April 2017

How to Get Rid of the Belly Fat?

Getting rid of Belly Fat is a struggle for most of the people now a day. You ought to understand several things about the body! It's that million-dollar question, several companies are making greater expense instead of providing answers. But you don't have to spend a cent to tighten together with tone those six pack abs, though. You just need to understand several things about the body.

Many television ads are generally pitching devices that will supposedly stimulate muscles to help you contract over together with over without activity. About 50 percent of her fats is located directly within the skin. Do you know where the clear majority of rest of it can be? Inside the muscle groups. Doing crunches will not clear away this fat, and neither might the vibrating belt inside television ads.

One way to slim down in the centre is to do a good amount of cardiovascular exercise. Some terrific examples of the following are:

  • Walking
  • Wandering
  • Swimming
  • Aerobics
  • Biking

Apart from these, there is some high-activity athletic like hockey and basketball. Whatever brings your pulse rate to its exercise zone and will keep it there for at the least twenty minutes circumstances your heart together with burns fat. Whenever you lose internal body fat, your skin may become more stretched. As being the fat within your muscle tissue decreases, you can look more toned together with less sagging. The most recognised thing you need to consider is the cardio exercise. Five times every week!

To know more about increasing sporting performance, join Shaw Academy’s online Sports Nutrition program by browsing their site. You can also read Shaw Academy Reviews online on their Facebook page.

Four Muscle Gain Tips You Need To Learn Now

Are you hitting the weights very hard? Do you want or trying to build muscle? If your answer is yes, there are a lot of ways in which you can accomplish your goal effectively and speedier. There are various activities and modalities that will help your muscles grow bigger.

The following are the best tips to pick up muscle quicker in the less time:

Calorie requirement: Calorie is the most essential while building muscles. It relies on your age, body weight and way of life. To know the calorie need of your body, simply multiply your present weight to 20. For instance, if your body weight is 140 pounds, that is 140 x20 = 2800 calories for each day is your body's calorie necessity.

Lift Progressively: Get stronger by lifting more weight. Dynamic lifting guarantees that your muscles don't get pompous and stop growing. Continue including around 10 pounds of weight each week to get used to lift overwhelming burdens.

Partial Lifts: If you really want to gain muscles fast, reverse band lifts are recommended. Switch the heap movement and lift more weight by doing a third set first and after that second and first set. 

Water Intake: Adequate water intake is vital to develop muscle at an ideal rate. To know the water consumption necessity of your body, simply follow this rule: Bodyweight in lbs X 0.6 = water consumption in ounces.

Building muscles quick is an exceptionally challenging task, that doesn't mean it cannot be done. Gaining up muscle is a time-consuming process. Although, if you are doing everything in a correct manner, you may increase just 5 – 10 pounds of muscle yearly.

Want to learn more about bodybuilding and sports, join Shaw Academy’s online Sports Nutrition program. To know more about the Shaw Academy reviews, watch their YouTube channel.

Wednesday, 12 April 2017

Healthy Diet For A Healthy Heart

Are you mindful that a healthy eating routine can keep the danger of coronary illness and strokes by 80%! It’s a saying that - A solid balanced eating routine is no. 1 nourishment proposal for individuals who are at danger of heart illness or as of now have the coronary illness". By knowing which nutrition types are useful for your heart, you can without much of a stretch avoid or deal with the cholesterol level and hypertension of your body.
Choosing food to deal with your heart is simple. It just requires a proper meal plan and endeavours to set up the nourishment. You simply need to concentrate on unprocessed eating routine, including natural products, whole grains, and vegetable, lean meat and low-fat dairy items.
For breakfast, it’s recommended to have fresh fruits like apple, orange or papaya along with muesli and yoghurt. It helps in giving a great deal of protein, fat and fibre to our body.
Lunch should be loaded with supporting fixings, which contains protein and fat. Having grain crackers and a plate of fruits and veggies would be plain but includes a ton of nourishment.
She has also suggested consuming low-calorie cheese including, vitamin A, D & B12, riboflavin and calcium. In addition, she recommended limiting sodium as an excess of it can lead to high blood pressure.
For the night, a home-cooked food is suggested. We must include, green serving, baked chicken, grains and snap beans in our dinner. Additionally, Mussels, which are rich in Vitamin B12, Iron and Omega 3, must be included.
These were some simple and important food recommendations to prevent heart disease and strokes from a Canadian Dietician. Developing these food habits will, surely, make you stay fit, healthy and live longer.
These were some basic but important food habit to prevent heart disease and strokes. Building up these nourishments will, most likely, make you stay fit, happy and live more.
You can learn more about maintaining good health by joining Shaw Academy’s online Nutrition program. To know more about the Shaw Academy reviews, watch their YouTube channel.

Thursday, 6 April 2017

Rice Cereal – Why it’s Not Good For Babies?

If you are browsing the baby aisle in your local supermarket, you'll see an overwhelming range of products to feed your baby, including rice cereal. Supermarket shelves are packed with baby food products which claim to be the best, highly nourishing and healthy. Before you add rice cereal into your shopping bags, here are three reasons to skip the customary baby rice cereal before he or she is turning to six months:

Mother’s Milk and Formula Are More Iron-Rich:
Mother’s milk or formula will give your baby all the important nutrients including iron he or she needs for the first six months. At around the age of six months, a baby will need iron-rich foods, as well as mother’s milk or formula. Parents should take care not to give too much — in doing so, they will replace the baby’s milk intake too quickly. Milk is the main food for a baby until 12 months. So, remember that food before one is just for fun, and what you do give should ideally be from a natural source of iron.

Your Baby Isn’t Ready To Eat Rice Yet:
When babies are given solid foods before they are ready, you need to modify the food according to them. In the first six months, babies have a tongue-thrust reflex that protects them from swallowing anything other than liquids. When you make foods more liquid by pureeing, mashing or adding liquid, you are tricking the body into letting them past. Your baby will swallow these foods, even if they aren’t ready for them. So, better choose rice cereal for your baby only after 6 months but don’t make it the main food for baby.

Rice Cereal Is Not A Healthy Choice 
If you're planning to feed your baby a healthy nutrition right from the start, then leaving the rice cereal will be a great help. There's growing evidence that our diet in the start and early childhood can influence our healthiness in the future. Our immune system is mostly in our gut, so what we put in it has big consequences for our body and well-being. Moreover, most health experts are finally realising the massive impact of sugars and grains in our diet, which causes inflammation and disease.

You can learn more about good nutritional value by joining Shaw Academy’s online Nutrition program. To know more about Shaw Academy Reviews, subscribe to their YouTube channel.

3 Common Negative Health Effects of Physical Inactivity

Nowadays most people know physical activity is important for weight loss and a good health. But some people do not understand that being physically inactive is considered a risk factor for several illnesses and medical conditions. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), about 2 million people around the world die from conditions related to physical inactivity. People of all ages, from children to the elderly, can suffer bad consequences if they follow a sedentary routine and are physically inactive. Below are the most usual 3 negative effects of physical inactivity:

Hypertension or High Blood Pressure
Hypertension or High Blood Pressure is one of the leading risk factors for having serious medical conditions, for example, a stroke or kidney illness. Physical action, for example, consistent exercise, makes the heart healthier. As the heart becomes stronger, it can pump blood more proficiently all through the body. 

Risk of Developing Heart Disease
Lack of physical activity can lead to heart disease in a couple ways. The effectiveness of coronary bloodstream is debilitated in individuals who are physically latent. Another connection between physical inactivity and heart disease is cholesterol levels in the body. High cholesterol is one of the main factors that contributes to heart disease. By doing exercises daily for approx. 30 minutes can helps lower LDL cholesterol levels. 

Risk of Obesity
Obesity is a very common problem of the physically inactive people. According to the WHO, people who are physically inactive have twice the risk of developing obesity. When a person has a body mass index over 30 then he or she is considered obese. Obesity itself can be the reason of multiple diseases. Illnesses related to obesity include heart disease, hypertension, diabetes and sleep apnea. 

Unlike other risk factors for diseases, physical inactivity can be changed. Making a few changes in the lifestyle and incorporating daily physical activity, such as increasing walking and taking the stairs is a start for the healthy living. 

You can learn more about your good health by joining Shaw Academy’s Sports Nutrition program. You can also read Shaw Academy Reviews online on their Facebook page.

Wednesday, 15 February 2017

The Health Benefits of Smoothies

Smoothies are thick drinks made with blended fruit, vegetables and other ingredients, like milk, sweeteners, water or ice. They are the best option to retain all the fiber content of raw fruits and vegetables. Consuming fiber on a regular basis is one of the easiest ways to prevent disease, as it helps the body to remove all the impurities and deadly toxins. Also, smoothies make great options for a snack or a drink when made with natural food items.
Smoothies are a wonderful and a simple way to get the additional nutrients your body requires. Including a healthy smoothie, containing coconut oil, egg yolks, cream, fruit or other nutrient-rich foods every day in your diet provide most of the required nutrition in just one proven and delicious dose. Furthermore, it helps you keep hydrated the entire day, which a tea, coffee or soda won’t do. The reason behind is our body absorb water from the foods we consume in order to stay hydrated.
Drinking a smoothie is the best way if you want to lose your weight. Many weight loss programs promote replacing a meal with smoothie as it provides the vitamins, minerals, fiber, carbohydrates, and low fat entire food that you need to lose weight quickly and effectively. The fiber and other slow-digesting constituents, such as seeds, nuts, dairy products make you feel full for a longer time as compared to other drinks.
Smoothies are an excellent option to increase the intake of fruits, vegetables and dairy products. Plus, they give high-nutrient choices. You can easily make a satisfying meal replacement by adding small amounts of protein and grain to a vegetable smoothie. Especially, berries are the best choice for a smoothie, because it regulates the sugar uptake into the blood and prevent hypoglycemic dips. Mixing ground flax seeds with smoothies helps suppress hunger and low cholesterol level. This list is not complete. There are end numbers of reasons for you to consume smoothies routinely. In addition to these health benefits, they are easy to make, taste good, and are fun to make.
You can learn more about making tasty smoothies by joining Shaw Academy’s online Cocktail program. To know more about Shaw Academy Reviews online, you can browse on their Wikipedia page.

Sports Nutrition

Injuries are obvious, if you participate in any physical activity. Nutrition can play a major role in how an athlete recovers from it. On the contrary, poor nutrition can lead to situations that increase the injury risk. Exercise related tiredness, which is related to the inability to continue to workout at the desired speed or intensity, is just one simple example. Nutritional reason of tiredness in sportspersons includes insufficient energy intake, low-level of glycogen, dehydration and iron deficiency.
To recover from injuries, the body must meet its daily total energy requirements. Inadequate calories will restrict carbohydrate storage. This can result in serious health conditions, like low bone mineral density. Therefore, it’s a must for athletes to take adequate calories, carbohydrates, protein, fluids, vitamins and minerals. There are some practices about what to eat and how to eat for complete recovery and healing. Always focus on energy balance as calories are essential for the recovery process and consuming less can also slow the curing process.
Almost all athletes are habituated to eat extra calories through various foods and drinks, like bars, sports drinks, gel or shakes. Instead, focus on a variety of whole foods that contain fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, low-fat dairy, fiber-rich whole grains and healthy fats such as nuts. These natural resources fasten the healing process as well. Furthermore, avoid food items containing high amounts of dietary fats or sugar as they tend to be less nutrient-rich as compared to whole food options.
The daily eating habits of athletes is very important for their progression and performance level. New scientific studies or researches show how different food influences our body, simply help athletes alter their diets to excel in sport and guarantee continuous improvement. However, there is no magic food which can provide the body with all required vitamins and minerals. The simple way is to maintain a balanced diet, which includes a variety of nutrients and food groups. An athlete can also consult a sport nutritionist to get a diet programme which can help maximise the sporting performance as well as improve the overall well-being.
To know more about increasing sporting performance, join Shaw Academy’s online Sports Nutrition program by browsing their site. You can also read Shaw Academy Reviews online on their Facebook page.

Best Cooking Oils

Cooking is an art. It maybe complicated for you to cook tasty and wonderful dishes, especially when you are cooking with oil. Different oils and fats gives different results. Many people are not aware of the fact that certain dishes need specific oils and butter to get the right taste. Everyone cares about the foods that is good for health; however, how we cook the food is equally important. There are so many oils and butter available in the market that claim to be the best and it is very difficult to understand which ones to use and which ones to avoid. Below is the list of few popular and healthy oils that you can use without any fear of health risk:
Canola oil: It is the most popular oil and recommend by many doctors claiming that it helps in reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease. The oil is high in monounsaturated fat, low in saturated fat, and provides the best fatty acid composition.
Olive oil: It gives a very different flavour with sufficient heart healthy ingredients. Olive oil is rich in monounsaturated fat that helps to lower the risk of heart disease, cholesterol level and breast cancer. It's also a good source of antioxidants, has a very long storage life and is the healthiest option to cook food.
Coconut oil: This is filled with saturated fat. According to physicians, food cooked in coconut oil increases LDL cholesterol and total blood cholesterol. It also raises HDL cholesterol and it has the benefit that it offers a nice flavour at high temperatures.
Rice Bran oil: This oil contains a chemical known as oryzanol that is good for regulating the cholesterol level. It is rich in monounsaturated fats and holds a good amount of polyunsaturated fats as well, both are the good type of fats. In addition, it has a high burning point that works well for deep frying purpose.
Sunflower oil: This oil is extracted from the sunflower seeds and is a rich source of vitamin E. It is a mixture of polyunsaturated (PUFA) fatty acids and monounsaturated (MUFA) and is widely used for deep frying. It is also excellent for being used in cosmetic products. People with sugar need to be careful about this oil as it may increase the sugar levels.
There is much more than what is mentioned here, though the ones stated above are the most popular. Eating healthy includes cooking healthy, where the cooking oil really takes the main place. Oils are very important when cooking. It is essential to use the best one for your food and health.
You can learn more about simple cooking techniques by joining Shaw Academy’s online Cookery program. To know more about Shaw Academy Reviews, subscribe to their YouTube channel.

Friday, 3 February 2017

The Flexitarian Diet

You wish to turn vegetarian and want to get the health benefits of a vegetarian diet, but don’t want to give up on the tasty meat all together? If yes, then you should adopt the Flexitarian diet. The Flexitarian or a semi-vegetarian diet is a plant-based food with the rare addition of meat products. The aim of this type of diet is to add more plant-based food and reduce intake of meat.

The Flexitarian diet inclines you to eat more vegetables, without eliminating the meat altogether. People following this diet are believed to weigh 15% - 20% less and have a low risk of diabetes, cancer and heart disease. It is also said that people on this diet live approximately 4 years longer than those on the regular diet. Furthermore, this diet does not recommend to follow a strict diet plan about what to eat and what to avoid. The Flexitarian diet recommends to add five food items in the daily diet. Those are - meat, whole grains, dairy products, fruits & vegetables and sugar & spice.

The Flexitarian diet provides a number of health benefits. People who have followed this diet weigh less, have a lower body mass index and feel full for a longer time. In addition, following a vegetarian diet plan twice a week helps in reducing the consumption of saturated fat by 15 - 20%. It also keeps the blood pressure and cholesterol level in check and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

The biggest benefit of Flexitarian diet is its flexibility. The flex food groups are much compatible and offer many options. According to Dawn Jackson Blatner, an American registered dietitian & nutritionist, more than eight million recipes can be created by the combination of flex food items.

In conclusion, today, Flexitarianism is the most popular term for healthy dieting and losing weight that reduces intake of meat as well. This is an inclusive new food plan which does not eliminate any foods instead adds new foods to your diet. Plus, it’s the best way to promote vegetarianism into your eating lifestyle.

You can learn more about your good health by joining Shaw Academy’s Nutrition program. You can also read Shaw Academy Reviews online on their Facebook page.

Eat Pasta In A Healthy Manner

We have always heard, if you want to lose weight avoid junk food or eliminate a specific food from your diet. However, it’s always not the case. According to a study, conducted by the Department of Epidemiology, in Pozzilli, Italy says that, including pasta in your diet can help you lose weight. The study further found that, pasta is connected to low BMI and good body shape.

The study collected the data based on body height, weight and measurements of over 23,000 individuals and showed that people who eat pasta are much slimmer as compared to people who do not. As per Dr. Licia Iacoviello, study co-author, “We found that pasta is associated with a lower BMI when eaten according to the individual caloric requirements”.

This study maybe shocking for many, but people are happy since low-carb pasta are a way of life for many. The pasta is a prime food consumed in Mediterranean regions and considered as a highly healthy food. The food is usually balanced by a high intake of nuts, vegetables, fruits, olive oil, fish, poultry and low consumption of dairy. Furthermore, pasta tends to be effective and healthy if eaten in moderate quantities with vegetables, legumes, virgin olive oil and, but not with animal fat, such as cream, butter and meat.

In addition, the dieticians suggest that combining pasta with exercise can really help in controlling the calorie intake and reducing weight. The purpose of this study is to create awareness among people that the calories in the Mediterranean diet are not bad at all, if eaten moderately. On the other hand, people should give up the logic of high protein and low carbohydrate diet to be slimmer, instead try the Mediterranean diet.

Who do not want to reduce weight and look slimmer. The weight loss is about high physical exercise, resistance workout, eating low and eating a lot of mindful food.  But, if you like pasta and can eat it almost daily in the right amount, you can easily reach your goal of losing weight.

You can learn more about good nutritional value by joining Shaw Academy’s online Nutrition program. To know more about Shaw Academy Reviews, subscribe to their YouTube channel.

Sunday, 29 January 2017

Caffeine – A Stimulant in Our Body

Caffeine is the most commonly used stimulant drugs in the world. It is a naturally produced substance found in the leaves and seeds of the many plants. It is found in coffee, cocoa, tea, cola and various energy drinks. It is also found in chocolates and some medicines, such as cough syrup, slimming tablets and allergy & pain relievers. According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, around 90% of the world’s population consume caffeine in various forms. Caffeine might help people to act or respond more rapidly. Moreover, caffeinated coffee can save your brain, heart, and other organs from various diseases.
However, the consumption of moderate doses of caffeine (up to 400 mg) is usually safe and can help people feel more active and energetic. However, consuming larger amounts of caffeine (over 600 mg) may link to many health problems, such as increase body temperature, conception problems, stomach acid discharge, production of urine, etc.
Caffeine is difficult to avoid. We always take a cup of tea or coffee in the morning, coffee shops are everywhere. It is used by large number of people on a regular basis to alleviate fatigue, increase wakefulness, and improve focus and concentration. This stimulant drug increases the level of sugar in the bloodstream, even if there is no sugar in your drink. That’s what gives you the extra energy.
Withdrawing caffeine from daily users causes symptoms, like tiredness, headaches, crankiness, muscle pain and sleepiness. It also makes people respond more slowly. Even, many sports people take caffeine to enhance their energy level. Taking caffeine away from a person’s regular dose may impact brain. The brain may flood with adenosine, and decrease in the dopamine levels drastically resulting in the brain's chemistry to be out of balance.
The easiest way to withdraw from caffeine dependence is to cut down slowly, giving your nervous system enough time to adjust to function without it. In the end a cup of tea, coffee or cola once in a while is fine, but don’t overdo it.
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Wednesday, 11 January 2017

Smart Snacking

Do you only get hungry at breakfast, lunch, and dinner time? Obviously not. Our body processes food gradually and gets hungry when it needs more energy. Our body needs fuel to be alert, energetic and functioning well. When we don’t eat enough, our body reminds us with hunger pains and demands food. Don’t ignore these hunger pains and have a snack.
Almost all parents feel that all snacks are not so good for children and can lead to weight increase, but that isn’t always the situation. The point is giving the right foods at the right time and knowing that snacks are an essential part of your child’s nutrition. Even if your child is eating three complete meals each day, the average child’s stomach can’t hold all the nutrients and calories required for body growth and building bones, tissues and muscles. Almost all children need three full meals and at least two or three snacks per day.
There are many advantages of smart snacking, such as it helps in managing between meals, provides extra energy between meals, and helps in preventing overweight. Moreover, snacking gives you the opportunity to add fruit, vegetables and other important nutrient to your child’s meal.
It’s important to remember that always give smart snacks instead of the unhealthy ones, such as cookies, chips, jellies and chocolates. They provide very little or no vitamins and minerals. There are some helpful snack strategies to follow: Keep snack portions in less quantity say not more than 250 calories. Give the snacks on a regular schedule of every 3 - 4 hours. Allowing enough time between meals will ensure that kids are not too full to have their regular meals.
Most importantly, keep healthy snacks at the ready so that kids will be able to make smart snack choices. Always use the nutrition based facts label when deciding on foods to be used for snacks to ensure they are low in fats, calories, and sugar. Instead, choose ones good in iron, calcium, and fiber.
You can learn more about your child’s good health by joining Shaw Academy’s Child Nutrition program. To know more about Shaw Academy Reviews, subscribe to their YouTube channel.

Obese Parents Could Lead to Daughters’ Breast Cancer Risk

You must have heard this term many times - lose your weight, slim down or get a toned body. The scientists have given another reason to maintain the body weight. According to a study, conducted by the Georgetown University in Washington, a daughter who are conceived when their fathers were obese could face a 30% higher risk of developing breast cancer at a later stage in life.
Till date, the researchers were studying the maternal role in child growth, but for the first time the researchers have extended their research in the field of paternal health and baby’s risk factors. The study further stated that, if parents are looking for a female child with healthy body weight, then it is must that dads should consider their weight.
As per Dr. Sonia de Assis, the study’s lead author “This study provides evidence that, in animals, a father’s body weight at the time of conception affects both their daughters’ body weight, both at birth and in childhood as well as their risk of breast cancer later in life”.
However, the research was done in obese male mice and female mice, though it applies in the case of human also that shows that men with overweight have substantial epigenetic alterations in their sperm as compared to men with appropriate body weight. The study also reveals that both breast cancer and obesity have genetic links. It has been already proved that women who are obese at the time of pregnancy usually give birth to the larger babies. These babies generally have a high risk of breast cancer.
The reason for this finding was stated as - being obese interferes with the microRNA signature in both the daughter’s breast tissue and the dad’s sperm. The microRNA could transmit vital genetic attributes from overweight dads to their daughters.
In conclusion, the researchers have suggested that to control the risk of breast cancer in daughters, both women and men should maintain their body weight and eat a balanced diet. This will not only benefit them but also give a healthy lifestyle to their kids. Thus, the scientist has advised men to consume more folic acid, found in leafy green vegetables, such as broccoli, spinach, brussels’ sprouts and fortified cereals.
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How to Deal with a Lactose Intolerant Child

The importance of milk and dairy products in children’s diet has been recognised by nutritionists over the years. Milk products are an important source of protein, calcium and vitamin D, necessary for growing kids. However, not all kids are able to consume dairy products for a number of reasons, including being lactose intolerant.
Lactose intolerance usually occurs in kids who can't digest lactose, which is the main sugar found in milk and other dairy products, like ice-cream and cheese. Kids who are lactose intolerant don't make adequate lactase, which is a natural enzyme produced by intestinal tract that digests lactose. As a result, when there isn't enough lactase, lactose that is consumed doesn't get broken down and remains in the intestines causing diarrhoea, acidity, bloating, stomach cramps, and nausea for about 30 minutes to 2 hours.
There is no treatment for lactose intolerance. In case, if your child is lactose intolerant, a change in diet or meal can make a big difference. Doing so, you can decide what diet changes are best for your child. It is important to understand how to fill the nutritional gaps in their diet. Include non-dairy milk products, like rice milk and almond that are fortified with vitamin D and calcium. In addition, lactase enzyme supplements can help the stomach digest lactose appropriately when taken with dairy.
Dairy products are a great source of calcium; it is important to know that dark leafy green vegetables can act as a substitute. In addition, consider including broccoli, mushrooms, beans, spinach, and kale into your child’s meal plan to ensure proper intake. Always remember, lactose intolerance can be easily managed and the stomach problem can be relieved with some changes to the diet.
Lactose intolerance doesn't have to make your child's life down. There are many alternatives for children who are suffering from it. Consult with your doctor about what foods or diet changes would be best for your child. For kids, it's a temporary disorder that begins after they take some antibiotics for stomach infections which finally goes away.
Found this information useful? You can learn more about your child’s good health by joining Shaw Academy’s Child Nutrition program. You can also read Shaw Academy Reviews online on their Facebook page.

Tuesday, 10 January 2017

Filling Up on Fibre

According to a research presented by Joanne Slavin, a professor of food science at the University of Minnesota has stated that, the fibre, which is a constituent of the plant is good for our digestive system and heart. However, fiber-rich foods like peas, beans, barley and bran may not help in killing our hunger or make us feel full for a longer time. 
The study involved two groups of women. One group was given a meal full of dietary fibers and other group a meal with no fiber at all. They were then asked to rate their hunger and fullness after the meal. The group who ate the fiber-rich meal didn't feel full.
Fiber helps in healthy digestion and decrease the risk for cardiovascular disease, but to feel full, it is important how you eat fibersays Joanne Slavin. The study also stated that when women ate the same amount of fiber in either a liquid form, like a shake or a solid form, like oatmeal or corn bran, the solid form of foods remains in the stomach for a longer time, and was more filling.
There are different types of fiber, but mainly separated into two classes, i.e. soluble and insoluble. Both play different, yet important roles. Soluble fiber helps the body control blood glucose levels, while insoluble fiber helps in dispensing waste away from the body by adding softness and bulk to stools. It also helps in preventing constipation, hemorrhoids, and other digestive problems.
The study suggested that to get the fiber fix, always consume solid bran-fiber foods like bran muffins, oatmeal, bran cereals, bran muffins, peas and fruits like apples, raspberries or pears. When deciding upon food, don’t worry about which class of fiber is better; just focus on eating enough of it.
The researchers also suggested that, you should increase intake of fiber in your diet slowly since your guts need time to adjust to the fiber load. If you add it too fast, you may experience diarrhoea, gas, bloating and cramps.
You can learn more about your good health by joining Shaw Academy’s Nutrition program. To know more about Shaw Academy Reviews, subscribe to their YouTube channel.

Thursday, 5 January 2017

The Importance of Antibiotics

Today, resistance to antibiotics has increased and reached to a phase that places patient’s life in danger. Medical practitioners worldwide are concerned that more and more bacteria and viruses are becoming resistant to today’s drug. They are scared that in future antibiotics may become unaffected and useless. The researchers have already found bacteria that remain unaffected when treated with antibiotics. This may result in expensive medical treatment as new formula have to be developed.
Health stakeholders criticise the fact that antibiotics are being used in a wrong manner. Antibiotics are often prescribed in medical condition in which they do not work. The disappointing fact is in some regions, especially Third World countries and highly populated areas, like Bangladesh, India, China or Pakistan, hospitals are already running out of antibiotics. The doctors are prescribing antibiotics for very common infections, such as the common flu, which do not kill off bacteria, also making it ineffective for future illnesses.
Another reason is that agriculturalists in Europe and the United States are adding antibiotics to feed cattle, in order to make them grow sooner and produce more meat.
Many surgeries cannot be done if we are unable to treat infections. Moreover, the transplantation of body organs will become difficult if patients do not get the proper medication to strengthen the immune system. Pregnancy may threaten a woman’s life and even disease like malaria and pneumonia, which can be treated successfully with antibiotics, might once again become a threat to life.
Today, antibiotics have made many infections like tuberculosis curable. Moreover, cancer treatment would not be possible without the proper use of antibiotics to cure it.
Doctors and health experts call for rapid action to fight off infections and diseases.  Most important is the need to improve hygiene at the medical places, where infectious diseases start. Bacteria spread through the dirty water and the sewage system. Even a small thing, such as making people aware of the importance of washing their hands more often can stop the spread of bacteria and infectious diseases. Antibiotics are the best drugs ever discovered, but we really can’t continue to use them without better management.
You can learn more about maintaining good health by joining Shaw Academy’s online Health and Fitness program. To know more about Shaw Academy Reviews, subscribe to their YouTube channel.